Submitting reservation with„Payment by card – GPWebPay“ is a service, which allows safe realisation of on-line payments using a card for transactions on internet. This service is provided by ČSOB in cooperation with company Global Payment Europe (GPE), which provides on-line payment gateway – GP Webpay – for realisation payments on internet. This payment product is intended for customers, who are owners of payment cards with logo Maestro, MasterCard, VISA a VISA Electron, for which releasing and recipient bank allows payments on internet.
This service provides the highest level of security during the payment on internet for card owner and also for Merchant. System is based on technological solution 3–D Secure, which supports verification of card owner during the transaction and card number is entered right on payment gateway GP WebPay. So any card details get into reservation system of e-shop will be hidden from the provider.
After entering all required data from client´s payment card and after confirmation of payment on GP WebPay page, the cient will be automatically redirected back on the trader webpage, where the payment state informations will be displayed.
You can re-print invoice and e-ticket under section „My account“.
Bank wire transfers are often the most efficient and speedy method for transferring funds between bank accounts, and have virtually no geographic limitations. A bank wire transfer can be done to international bank accounts from a particular account to another. Bank wire transaction fee within EU (2014) is as same as you would submit a bank wire money transfer within one country.
Submitting reservation with "Bank/Wire Transfer" chosen as the payment method, you will receive email confirmation with instructions on submitting the wire transfer to one of our banks. ( ČSOB a.s. )
Please ensure when making a money transfer you write in
your order number (etc.1001234) and your name.
Depending on which country you are sending the payment from, the process bank wire transfer order might varies.
Within EU money transfer should be received within 24 - 48 hours on working days.
When and how quick payment will be received depends on bank wire not us.
As soon as your payment reaches one of our bank accounts confirmation email, invoice and e-ticket will be send to your email automaticly.
Change or Cancellation of rezervation for any reason (including flight delay or cancelled flight) will be charged within our cancellation policy
In case of a flight delay please immeditely contact our customer service. +421 944 040 994
If customer will not enter the minibus due to flight delay,
cancelled flight or will not arrive to pick up point on time transfer reservation will be cancelled under cancellation policy. No refund apply!
Our company is not taking any responsibility for consequences if customers misses the booked transfer due to flight delay or cancelled flight.
Any changes or cancellations must be made in written form by email: