Private Transfer from Presov
to Budapest Airport
Taxi / Minibus
WARNING: Last free vehicle!
Availability date from
* required fields
We ask passengers to transport their baggage from the car to chcek-in them selfs
The transport of animals in this vehicle is not possible!
Poďakovanie za klienta
Dobry den prajem,
Chcela by som sa Vam v mene klienta podakovat, boli s Vasimi sluzbami velmi spokojni, vsetko islo hladko a podla dohody :)
199,00 €
199,00 €
225,00 €
225,00 €
240,00 €
240,00 €
219,00 €
240,00 €
240,00 €
235,00 €
235,00 €
235,00 €
235,00 €
220,00 €
220,00 €
240,00 €
240,00 €